Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fav Rest

I am hoping to head back for some Chicago travel. I want to go to my favorite place to eat. . . Foga De Chao. This is such an awesome place to eat.

It is a brazillian place in downtown Chicago. Tons of meat. I mean tons. This is not a good place for a vegan. It is a $25 lunch buffet and is just awesome.

Well have a happy day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Days

I reently went to a steak place in town that was serious kick butt and a great best buy.

I mean it was nice thick and juicy and made just right. IT was nearly as perfect as a steak can get. I am really against putting sauce on a steak becasue I think even A-1 is bad for steaks,

Well have a happy day.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back and Forth

I had a student who just returned from drug rehab last week. Funny part is that all this student did was complain about the food at the place. She really likes the food at the facility that I work at. Says something good about the cooks. And they really deserve three cheers for the great work.

Have a happy day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I was thinking the other day after a chiropractic appt. Would it not be nice to have some massage chair at a table while eating? I know that places like google has massage therapists.

Think of that while eating. Well then the next step would be the chair. Nice and relaxing.

Well just a thought.

Have a happy day.