Friday, April 13, 2007


As it appears the british navy needs some yard markers for thier boats some real questions come to mind.

Why did these chaps give up the fight so quick. I understand that there may have been problems. Call in support? I am sure planes and warship were nearby.

The next problem is why did they start singing like canaries so quickly? All of sudden they were on TV telling all kinds of things. Why did they break so fast. I did not see anything of torture. I mean no hint of torture. I mean come now chaps all least take a branding iron for the queen. Maybe this type of training is not given anymore. I mean give some type of signal while on TV.

I was thinking that while the one troop was pointing to a map they could be signing something. Of course that would assume they know some basic sign language.

Overall, not a good two weeks for queen and country.

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